Documentation + User Guide

Documentation and User Guide

+ The Final Version Improvement

HopFlee is an entertaining game that provides an exciting environment and challenging atmosphere for the game user to play. The aspect of this game is about how long can game characters player survive in the game through the 2D environment to escape and avoid colliding with the obstacles they are facing in the game environment. In the game, the players must prevent themselves from danger and fight for high scores since there is no ending in this game. The game will keep going until you lose at any point in the game scene.

After designing the game based on the above concept, it is finally becoming solid evidence that is a sort of achievement. From the concept document that I wrote about how to create, design, and customize my game. The structure of the game and how the game plays prove that the final game result comes out perfectly from the vision and passion I wrote in the concept document. Moreover, after the completed all steps from my concept document I literally thought of a more rational way that could make the game fanciers. So, I decided to add some more components to the game such, as UI art, particles, and another component that best suit my game.

To make something a little bit more interesting I decided to polish the game with something more advance to ensure that the game will be different and make the user more enjoyable. In the gameplay scene, I decorate the player with the trail renderer that comes behind the player’s sprite object which would make the player in the game more liveable. I also add some particle stuff such as snow, and asteroid plus a suitable UI art that suits the gameplay.

+ Feedback Summary

After doing my first game testing with the testers. I have received a bunch of useful feedback from the. And the main useful suggestion I noted so far is to ensure my game’s process is working well.

People told me that some scenes of my game are working fine while some scenes faced a little error, which is what I need to improve. Also, they told me that my spawning obstacles are working just fine in the game I might need to make it fancier to make it more fun. Moreover, the other feedback is about improving my UI and ensuring that the UI component I set up in my game is working correctly. In my game, I also found out that the UI panel and button that transit from scene to scene when the game is over do not pop up on the game end. After testing I revised my game once again, and I found there are some problems as the tester mentioned. I quickly customize it and make some changes based on some best ideas from the testers suggesting enhancing better gameplay.  Also, I use this opportunity that the tester provides to me as advice to improve my game to make it turn into a fine game that runs without a problem and interests the user.

+ Asset list:

- Object Sprite:

  • Player sprites – player images that represent the player assets such as characters, etc.
  • Spike sprite (obstacles) Prefab – spike images assets.
  • Background image – an image that displays on the graphic of the scene

-  UI Object:

  • Button – pressing a button to move from scene to scene and pressing the button for other information
  • Wooden Plank – used as a board that contains other UI buttons and information

-  Particles:

  • Image (snow and asteroid) – the image of snow and asteroid that use a particle system to create a game of physics or motion graphics.

- Music and Audio:

  • Pixel Peeker Polka
  • Unlock game notification

- Scenes:

  • Main     
  • Level
  • Menu
  • Menu1
  • Menu2
  • Sunny
  • Sunny1
  • Sunny2
  • Winter
  • Winter1
  • Winter2
  • Space
  • Space1
  • Space2
  • Quit

- Scripts:

  • Camera Movement – to move the camera across the scene
  • Game Over UI – to load the game over the UI panel when the player collides
  • Looping Background – repeating the background of the scene from time to time
  • Pause Resume – to pause and resume the UI setting and switch the scene
  • Player Controller – controls the player’s movement
  • Quit – the script to exit the game
  • Score Manager – to actively generate the score in the game
  • Spawn Obstacles – to generate the obstacles in a random position inside the scene
  • Music – activate and loop the music from scene to scene

- Font:

  • Evil Empire
  • Plaguard-Z Vnjx

+ User Guides:
  • Game Controller

In this game, I will prioritize design on a PC and Laptop platform base. The game player can control the character by using keyboard keys such as:

  • W or Arrow Up (key): to control the movement of the character to the Up direction.
  • S or Arrow Down (key): to control the movement of the character in the Down direction.
  • Press the M key: to music and unmute the Music background.


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