HopFlee (Player Movement)

Player Movement

HopFlee is developing as a 2D game that came with single characters player. In the game, the character players will encounter a fresh new environment and a level of difficulty based on how long they play in the game. From time to time, the game will get more and more challenging for the game user to accomplish. The simple idea of this game is that game users will be taking control over the character or player in the game. In order to avoid the obstacles and prevent losing the game, the player can move either up or down direction since the scene of the game will take you toward the incoming obstacles.

In the game, I will manage to create a new script where I can move the player from one position directly to another position. Depending on the script, we can control our character player movement to start from the middle left side of the scene and move the players from up to down or down back to up depending on the situation that users want the character to be in the game. The character in the game cannot move forward, however, it can only change position based on the x and y-axis. In the game, people might think that the player is moving but it is the looping background that leads the player to the obstacles. Moreover, we can also speed up the character played in the game to make it more fun. The game character will keep moving forward in the right direction of the scene with a reasonable amount of distance in a direction which is where they will face the obstacles.

Based on the game controller in this game. The game player can control the character by using keyboard keys such as:

  • W or Arrow Up (key): to control the movement of the character to the Up direction.
  • S or Arrow Down (key): to control the movement of the character to the Down direction.



Build.zip Play in browser
Sep 10, 2022

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